Towards Update-Dependent Analysis of Query Maintenance
Published in ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), 2025
Authors are ordered alphabetically as a convention of theory papers.
This paper studies the hardness of maintaining self-join-free conjunctive queries over a dynamic database, where tuples can be inserted or deleted. The worst-case complexity of this problem under arbitrary updates has been well understood. It is known that most practical queries require $\Omega(\sqrt{ | D | })$ maintenance time for each update to ensure $O(1)$-delay enumeration, barring a very restricted class of queries (known as ‘‘q-hierarchical’’ queries). Nonetheless, most real-world update sequences are not arbitrary, far away from the worst-case scenario; instead, they are so ‘‘nice’’ that queries can greatly benefit from their inherent structure in query maintenance. In this paper, we aim to understand the hardness of query maintenance under different update sequences, in particular, the insertion-only (or deletion-only), first-in-first-out (FIFO), arbitrarily worse sequences, as well as their ‘‘mixed’’ sequences. We first provide a comprehensive characterization of queries that can be maintained in $O(1)$ time for $O(1)$-delay enumeration over FIFO sequences. Then, we address mixed sequences, which may exhibit insertion-only or FIFO patterns on subqueries but lack a specific pattern in totality, and introduce a structural dichotomy for determining whether the input query can be maintained in $O(1)$ time for $O(1)$-delay enumeration over mixed sequences. |
Xiao Hu and Qichen Wang. “Towards Update-Dependent Analysis of Query Maintenance.” ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), June 2025.